Here is one good show opening September 10, 2009 that you should not miss!
Tim Roda's work is so unique in so many ways!
I had the privilege of a show preview last week and found the Family Matters body of work series very refreshing, interesting and quite well executed by a self taught photographer. His incorporation and creative set designs, art installations, usage of props and father and son photography collaboration makes the work fascinating to the eye.
Such family collaboration, reminded me the kind of photos of Paloma Picasso making drawings right next to Pablo Picasso or Salvador Dali with his wife Gala. In my opinion, the Family Matters series, which is done in black and white has a very strong , sometimes dark, playful, intense quality reminiscent of the Spanish or Italian cinema where the intensity of family relations and interaction is portrayed with a lot of drama, rather voyeuristic and dark humor.
The quality of the photographs is raw and a bit grainy, which in this case work very well because, it adds a vintage quality but, it also can look very of the moment, like a good experiment. It also adds a great and comforting feeling of nostalgia. My favorite one (even though I liked the whole series is the one at top (Centaurus).
This show folks it is a must see. It will remind most of us , when little if you , used to play with your dad. To me it is one of the most precious memories . The photograph's sizes are a good ones , the editions are small and the price is extremely affordable. Kudos to Dan Cooney for such a good and interesting find. Thanks for letting me preview the work.
Please read press release below:
Family Matters Exhibition Dates: September 10 – October 31
We are proud to announce the gallery’s first exhibition of photographs by Tim Roda, titled Family Matters. The photographs that culminate in this exhibition examine the relationship between Roda and his son, Ethan. Furthermore, they are metaphorical memories of Roda’s childhood, family history and his relationship with his own father.
The scenes are played out in various studios and locations from Montana, Washington State, New York and Italy. Roda, whose formal training is in Ceramics, makes all of the stage settings for the work. The material used is disposable or reusable, mostly clay, cardboard, gaffer’s tape and other found material. The resulting photographs elaborate the artist’s approach and are presented as objects that the artists declares are “perfect in my mind”. The formal presentation displays rough edges, irregular margins and haphazard tonal range that reflect the quality of the stages.
The images reflect the struggles and joy between father and son. In one image the artist and his young collaborator are dressed in found and home made feminine attire gently touching each other fingertips in front of classic Italian statues. That playful and gentle moment contrasts another image where the son portrays an angry screaming gladiator dragging his father, face to pavement, across a cobblestone street by his handcuffed wrists.
Roda has exhibited internationally in many solo gallery and museum exhibitions. He was a 2008 - 09 recipient of the Fullbright Award to Italy. The artist and his son will be speaking on their collaboration at the gallery October 17th at 3:00.
I'm not sure this is a game that many of us have played with our fathers - and I'm not sure many of us would have wished to. I'm interested in what sense this is a collaboration with the son, i.e. what the son thinks is being implied here. Interesting image, but possibly abusive.
I can guarranteed you that there is no abuse of any kind !
In fact Tim Roda's son Ethan gets a commission for his modeling and collaboration with his dad. The implication of it is rather disturbing and, I suggest that you look at the work more closely.
I used to do a lot of horse play with my dad and, I will never review or promote work that any type of abuse is involve. Please read up, look at the artist web site before making such remarks. It is rather irresponsible and quite ignorant.
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