Two Way Lens with new questions!
New interview with
Ruben Natal-San Miguel
February 2012
Subway Beauty, 2012 NYC. From the "Subway Chicas On The GO" series© copyright by Ruben Natal-San Miguel
Read the interview here
Two Way Lens with new questions!!
Hello everyone,
I am very excited to let you know that another interview has been added to the "Two Way Lens" project.
Since I brought Two Way Lens to life in June 2008 the main focus lay on aspects like finding audiences and other ways of promoting work.
With the new questions I want to focus more on professional practice, such as process of editing, planning and inspiration.
I hope you will benefit from the new direction and the contributions that follow.
Thanks so much to all the artists and photographers who made Two Way Lens to a ressource for everyone interested in contemporary photography. Deborah Hamon, Richard Renaldi, Andrew Phelps, Tim Hailand, Lori Nix, Zoe Strauss, William Greiner, Alec Soth, Amy Stein, Ron Jude, Martin Parr, Jessica Todd Harper, Terri Weifenbach, Susan Wides, James Friedman, Oliver Weber, Tony Mendoza, David Hilliard, Tierney Gearon, Scott Pasfield, Russ Martin, Tema Stauffer, Stefan Heyne, Aline Smithson, Hiroshi Watanabe, Sandra Dyas, Amy Elkins, Palmer Davis, Michael Kirchoff, Ken Rosenthal, Jess T. Dugan, Charlie Grosso, Jane Fulton Alt, Doug DuBois, Simon Roberts, Orville Robertson, Joni Sternbach, Susan Burnstine, Yael Ben-Zion, Nick Turpin, Tom Griggs, David Simonton, Ellen Jantzen and John Arsenault.
Let's welcome the new direction with the very interesting and insightful contribution by
Ruben Natal-San Miguel.
Make sure you visit the project and read Ruben's answers and keep an eye out for the next series of insights from fantastic photographers who are currently preparing their contributions.
Thanks as always for your ongoing support and interest,
best wishes
Michael Werner