Photos by Suellen Parker
1. Glamour Shot
2.Life Preserver 2004
3.Awkward Stage
ARTmostfierce highly recommends Suellen Parker's ''Incurable Still'' as innovative photography series, a most see and collectable art.
''The eyes and the lips of each sculpture are created by inserting photographs of real human features, which accounts for the uncanny sensation of watching flawed fairly-tale characters come to life''.
ARTmostfierce thinks that in the current ART market, Photography as a media has to some degree over saturated the market with tons of images some rather commercial, some way too familiar (appropiations from other media say ala Richard Prince) and some photo themes or ideas are like over exposed (we seen it too many times over and over). The relevance of Suellen Parker series is that she is dealing with everyday situations that most us experience on a daily basis like,'' I am getting old'', ''do I look good enough'','' how I am perceived by others'' and presents them with a great deal of creativity and a sort of hidden black humor.It is also a refreshing and interesting new way to look at photography and communicate a theme.
ARTmostfierce is very interested in collecting some work from these series.
Considering the current ART market climate if the Stux Gallery prices don't suit your budget, checkout Aperture Foundation.
LOVE THE QUOTE: "paralleling our bodies' constant state of change over time and our attempts to cover up, reshape, and alter our appearances." As we go through life, I find this true. Life and art an ever changing process.
I saw the exhibit and liked it...the work is different, refreshing and poignant at the same time. Our beauty and youth obsessed culture is no joke... I just read this morning on NYT: "The suicide rate among 45-to-54-year-olds increased nearly 20 percent from 1999 to 2004" What's up with that? Can't we learn to age gracefully??? Most of them went the way of late Heath Leger..too much access to prescription pills???...I rather have a Cher face than kill myself!
Ruben thanks again for highlighting Great art work and great Price at Aperture!
Suellen Parker at Stux??
I will have to check it out.. I've always liked her work ever since Dan Cooney Fine Art gave her first show in NYC!
Thanks for the heads up!
Thanks for the post! It's nice to hear that people are relating to the topics I explore with my art.
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