Please help Photographer, VERSUS artist and dear friend Zoe Strauss complete her dream and have a fantastic i-95 2010 blowout. This the last year of the 10 year i-95 exhibit. In order to raise funds for it, Zoe is having a great limited EDITION (yes big because Zoe, barely NEVER editions her work) of only 5 per photo image. I had atttended several of her i-95 yearly exhibits and all I can say that, I had never met somebody with such passion and commitment to the arts and her community.
Here is more info about the sale in Zoe's words. And yes the image shown above is to me a Zoe Strauss classic. Remember only edition of 5...
Get ready to get some of the "Countdown Dated Edition Photos." The Countdown Dated Edition Photos" are a series of photos including a photo from each year spanning the duration of the I-95 project, 2000 to 2010. The sale of these photos will help pay for the 2010 I-95 show. And, believe me, the 2010 show will be spectacular. Rest assured that if you get one, it's money well spent.
Starting this month, I will be posting the photos for sale at random times and they will be available until May 2010 or until they sell out. The photos are 250 bucks a pop, and will be made in a dated edition of 5. Photos will be offered in chronological order...
Image size for each photo is 7.5"x9.5", paper size is 8.5."x11", and the photos are archival ink-jet prints.
These are a limited edition 2009/2010 issue...they will be signed as such and come with a letter from me. This means that I am only printing 5 of these photos at 7.5" by 9.5" between right now and May 2010. Who knows what I'll print in 2010, but these are it from this year. Who knows what I'll do in 2010, period.
Please email mariannaatpap@gmail.com with any questions.
1 comment:
Thanks, Ruben! You know what? I love your directive for leaving comments.
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