The series Hotel Reverie is inspired by Gaston Bachelard’s essay The Poetics of Reverie (1960). The French term “rêverie” and the English “reverie” are generally considered to mean “daydream” or “daydreaming”, but for the French philosopher “rêverie” is the phenomenon of wakefulness in which the Self eludes reality and wanders off free from any contingent influence. “What psychological freedom do we have other than the freedom to dream? Psychologically speaking, it is in reverie that we are free beings”, writes the author. This works was made in the dusty, disjointed rooms of a hotel being renovated just on the edge of the centre of Florence. The models pose against backgrounds of crumbling walls and peeling wallpaper, in front of gilded stuccoes and unhinged doors. The framing is frontal and close up, the lighting soft and natural, and the visual field fairly narrow. These are momentary portrayals, suspensions of being, and we rarely see them as the pages of a longer story. The models move around in the space, simulating situations that the spectator cannot fully make out. The works are laconically ambiguous: they are transitory visions that can be deciphered in different ways. The potential for interpretation is infinite, since this is inherent in the work of art and in the life of man.
Very gentle and pretty portraiture series...YES!
Silvia Noferi
Scandicci, Firenze
www.galleriadac.com www.myspace.com/silvianofe
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