Project Runway Austin Scarlett and Performer strike a pose.

Rufus Wainwright and Janet Finkel share a smooch!

There is too much to tell and show folks so, I decided to do prepare several blog postings from the Hamptons weekend. Still recovering and stay tuned ...there is more coming.
The 15th Annual WATERMILL Summer Benefit
The Watermill Center, Watermill, NY
Saturday, July 26, 2008
This benefit party was the event of the season in the Hamptons!
Artmostfierce was present and enjoyed every minute of it. Kim Catrall, Rufus Wainwright, Howard Stern and who's who was there.
As we entered, we were greeted by a man wearing gigantic inflatable balls, head to toe black-and-white-patterned Lycra, and lipstick-red platform pumps. At the end of a tiki-torch-lit walkway, the entrance was flanked by two women in traditional Taiwanese opera costumes — white faces, red cheeks, long colorful robes — standing on what looked like twelve-foot-high stilts. But the real treat was a walk through the woods, which were populated by more than a dozen youths in white rags, either sitting against trees with cardboard boxes over their heads or tossing fitfully on mattresses.
The awesome Brooklyn noise rock band Japanther played nearby, while guests were encouraged to operate a huge dragon puppet. On the other side of the forest was a room made of red mesh containing people-size candles spelling out L-O-V-E, and an incredibly long table set for dinner, on which a woman would walk very slowly in high heels without ever looking down, or disturbing a glass. Performance artist Marina Abramovic was impressed, “It’s very difficult to create your own space around all these people and still be charismatic. She’s incredibly precise. It’s not easy.”
The entertainment at dinner was a live auction headed by the ever-entertaining Simon du Pury. Someone paid $16,000 to have her portrait painted by Rufus Wainwright, who’d shown up in a sequined suit Victor & Rolf had custom-made for his London Judy Garland show. Later, Du Pury paraded out a horse for auction. Wainwright had been waiting all night for this moment, he’d told us earlier. “I’m going to take the horse home after, give the horse one last fling, then off to the glue factory,” he explained. To the relief of everyone, the horse eventually went to PR scion Vanessa Von Bismarck for $30,000, which she said was a very good price for a horse these days.
There is a rumor that Tashakitty (ARTmostfierce Mafia Hit Girl) was the buyer of a fabulous Lisa Yuskavage Lithograph edition of 2, beating at auction professional collectors Beth Rudin de Woody and Artist Baby Jane Holzer. My Mafia Motorcade girls are trained right, they know how to snatch up a deal.
Was lots of fun with you! Thank you for immortalizing me on your blog Ruben!
ARTmostfierce never stops! Go, Brat cat, go.
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