ARTmostfierce kept on going in the Photography burn out tour!
Next stop, Silverstein Gallery Rosalind Solomon, '' Inside out"
This is such a great show folks! Ms Rosalind is quite a Fierce Lady!
From her days in Wash. DC when her former husband was a member of the Carter Administration till now, Rosalind has such an incredible range of work. Some of her photos can be compared to Diane Arbus easily. Some of her prints are unique for the 70's and 80's. Her photographs of all dolls are quite stunning , some crazed dolls with missing limbs represent her obsessive concern about family illness. Her self portraits deal with the issue of self image and feminism. ARTmostfierce had the pleasure of meeting Rosalind today and get and image signed (cool). The pricing was quite reasonable it ranges from $5,000.00-$15,000.00 USD (not bad for such an experienced and good artist). Show runs from March 1- April 5, 2008.
Special thanks to Zoe Strauss for recommending this show in her blog. It is a good one folks, a must see!
The Brian Finke Flight Attendants show at Clampart (see blog # 18 ) just rocks! ARTmostfierce was very tempted about getting one of the two images offered. One 40 x 40 for $3,500.00 USD, the 20 x 20 for $2,000.00. Thank God I left the plastic at home!
Ms Rosalind is quite a Fierce Lady...
I mean fierce cave woman...raw and formidable. She rocks!
Loooooooved this retrospective!
Thanks for dragging me out gallery cruising. This exhibition is a great collective of a fearless and haunting creative mind, and a voice that triggers curiosity without judgements or opinions.
The dolls portraits are timeless.
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