Ruben Natal-San Miguel "Duo" 122 Street and Frederick Douglass Blvd, West Harlem, July 2007C-Print
NY, NY: Concete Jungle Series
Other than my professional work life and resume, this is my other so called life involved in the arts. This all came about while writing the info for the AQUA Art Fair During 2009 Miami Art Basel which I am part of + Kris Graves Projects . I figured if some of you don't know what I am all about by now is the real memo for you.
Ruben Natal-San Miguel is an architect, curator, writer, art collector, consultant, blogger and photographer who specializes primarily in the art of emerging photography. In addition, Ruben is involved with non-profit art organizations such as
ACRIA, Printed Matter, Aperture Foundation, AIDS Chicago, Humble Arts Foundation, Photolucida and Visual AIDS. He has also collaborated in several projects with prominent artists including Magnum Photographer
Susan Meiselas for a project about the identity of The
Puerto Rican Flag shown at the Museum Park
de la
Villette, Paris, France April 7- July 6, 2009.
Ruben is the Editor-in-Chief of ARTmostfierce, an online Art blog he founded. ARTmostfierce's main purpose is to promote emerging art, artists and photographers, and to benefit non-profit arts organizations while encouraging the art of "fast paced" but affordable collecting. Ruben wrote the introduction to The Humble Foundation Collectors Guide for Emerging Art Photography released in March 2009. Besides curating a show on line titled “Warriors” for Visual AIDS during May 2009, most recently, he also was the curator of UNSEEN: A Photographers Salon @ Randall Scott Gallery in NYC Oct 22-Nov 21, 2009. UNSEEN is a group show of 16 prominent photographers.
For the past five years during the summer months, Ruben has traveled by bicycle throughout Upper Manhattan camera in hand in search of what is like to live in NYC areas that, till most recently and for many prior many decades, had been ignored by the government and most of society. This is not the “Sex and The City” Manhattan that most people clamor and aim for. Ruben has been able to find, not only a vibrant and colorful vision of that other Manhattan but, also a happy, endearing and very meaningful life lesson of what is like when the human spirit and communities make the best of others may considered to be so little. The culmination of this 5-year survey will be shown at + Kris Graves Gallery in NYC , curated by Matthew Pillsbury in a show titled NY, NY: Concrete Jungle opening March 4, 2010.
Ruben Natal-San Miguel holds a Bachelor and Master Degree in Architecture from Boston Architectural College and Finance and Business Administration from Boston University. He works and lives in Manhattan NYC where after 16 years he continues to live "La Vida Loca."