Monday, January 24, 2011

Work in progress...

Photo- Ruben Natal- San Miguel
One of my resolutions of 2011 is that , I will try to focus mostly on my own work. After many, many years of helping others , it is about time!

One of this things will be creation of my own photographic  web site.

For now, I started working on this ARTslant profile . They created a profile based on the shows I had curated and artists that, I had shown and shown with. I wanted to shared this info because in my opinion, this site can be a good tool for network and visibility in the art business. Mine it is still at a very early stage but , I already see a lot of potential in this so, check it out. With me is always about sharing so...make your profile and it!

Here is my profile and info:

1 comment:

ruben said...
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