Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Last Night AMERICA Won !!!

Last night after the election results, I felt a tremendous sense of pride of being born American.

What I witnessed last night at 125 Th Street in Harlem USA was more than election results celebration or the election of our first Black president. It was Americans coming together from all different class and races and embracing the future and CHANGE for the better.

I was hugged by strangers,neighbors and people from all walks of life. And I hugged them back. Tears were flowing in most people's eyes, emotions were running high but, there was also a sense of community, of peace, love, respect for each other and tolerance.

All I can say was WOW !!!!

There was this white blond college student wrapped in an American Flag hanging from the street sign on the corner of 125 Th and Seventh Avenue chanting and celebrating. To me seeing that alone tells me that we had come along way and that there is hope for the future.

Let us come together and start the transformation process now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...