Thursday, September 10, 2015

" Street Life : A NYC Vanishing Act" By Ruben Natal-San Miguel 9/10/15 SoHo Photo Gallery NYC

This September 11, 2015 will a one of symbolic and different kind one for me. I will have a photography exhibition a few blocks away from the World Trade Center site where 14 years ago, was a survivor out of the North Tower during the attacks. Then right after, decided to move to Harlem and become a photographer. Life comes full circle. A very special celebration of survival, struggle, redemption and life in my beloved NYC .

" Street Life : A NYC Vanishing Act"
By Ruben Natal-San Miguel
On View September 9, 2015 OPENING RECEPTION is September 10, 2015 at SoHo Photo Gallery

Save the Date!

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Be nice, be proactive, be positive and yes you can be a bit naughty. Negativity, tackiness and insecurity will get you nowhere in the ART World!